Special sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same argument can make knowledge, familiarize, exchange ideas, create cooperation.
Special Sessions are being developed by designated chairs.

If you, as an author, have a paper that could be included in one of these sessions, you may submit an abstract selecting your favourite session. If the abstract is not selected for the session, it may be included in another part of the technical program.

To submit abstracts to the special session, follow the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the special session to which the paper is directed.

Special Tracks

  1. Special Track #1: Concepts and Technologies for Next-generation Integrated Terrestrial–Non-Terrestrial Networks (CONNECT)

    Organized by: Claudio Sacchi, University of Trento, Italy; Alessandro Guidotti , CNIT Research Unit of Bologna, Italy

List of Special Sessions

  1. Special Session #1: Exploring GNSS: Precision Navigation and Timing Solutions for Aerospace Metrology

    Organized by: Francesco Menzione, Ciro Gioia, Andrea Piccolo, European Commission Joint Research Centre

  2. Special Session #2: Aerospace systems monitoring through optical and innovative sensors networks

    Organized by: Alessandro Aimasso, Matteo Davide Lorenzo Dalla Vedova, Paolo Maggiore, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy; Pietro Ferraro, National Research Council, Italy

  3. Special Session #3: Space To Space: Scientific and Technological Challenges for Human and Robotic Space Exploration

    Organized by: Pietro Ferraro, National Research Council, Italy; Vittorio Ancona, Thales Alenia Space; Alessandro Aimasso, Paolo Maggiore, Piero Messidoro, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy; Ilaria Amelia Caggiano, University of Suor Orsola Benincasa

  4. Special Session #4: Space-Based Solutions for Global Challenges: Telemedicine, Earth Observation, and Sustainable Development in Remote Areas

    Organized by: Antonio Pallotti, Italian Space Agency

  5. Special Session #5: Complex Systems Operational Availability: Measurements, Methodologies and Requirements

    Organized by: Fabio Leccese, Roma Tre University, Italy

  6. Special Session #6: Structural Health Monitoring And Nondestructive Testing For Aerospace

    Organized by: Leandro Maio, The University of Manchester; Vittorio Memmolo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Marco Laracca, Sapienza University of Roma, Italy; Federico Carere, Telematic University Pegaso, Italy

  7. Special Session #7: Applied Metrology for Navigation and Precise Positioning in UAVs

    Organized by: David Martín Gómez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

  8. Special Session #8: Manufacturing and Metrology in the Aerospace Industry

    Organized by: Jerzy Józwik, Magdalena Zawada-Michałowska, Jaroslaw Pytka, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

  9. Special Session #9: University Satellites and Aerospace Research and Development

    Organized by: Vladimir Saetchnikov, Belarusian State University, Belarus

  10. Special Session #10: Aerodynamic Measurement and Propulsion System Control of Aerial Vehicles

    Organized by: Zbigniew Czyż, Tomasz Zahorski, Polish Air Force University, Poland, Paweł Magryta, Lublin University of Technology, Poland

  11. Special Session #11: Optical technology and data fusion for SHM, physiological and biochemical tracking in aerospace environments

    Organized by: Carlos Marques, CICECO and Physics Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal

  12. Special Session #12: Metrology for Maritime Transport, Ports and Shipping

    Organized by: Michele Fiorini, Leonardo SpA, Italy, Jillian Carson-Jackson, The Nautical Institute, UK, Dimitris Zissis, University of Aegean, Greece

  13. Special Session #13: The use of unmanned aerial vehicles for various sectors of the economy: problems and solutions

    Organized by: Vitaliy Zaytsev, Alfred Nobel University, Ukraine

  14. Special Session #14: Sustainable human space exploration: quantification and mitigation of radiation risk

    Organized by: Mariagabriella Pugliese, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Francesca Ballarini, University of Pavia, Italy

  15. Special Session #15: Investigation on Moon Habitat and Infrastructure Feasibility: Lunar Soil Cultivation, Regolith-based Building and TLC Systems for Remote Operations

    Organized by: Roberto Pastore, Andrea Delfini, Mario Marchetti, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Davide Micheli, Telecom Italia , Rome, Italy

  16. Special Session #16: Advances in measurements for autonomous space systems and for the development and testing of their subsystems

    Organized by: Marco Pertile, Sebastiano Chiodini, Andrea Valmorbida, University of Padova , Italy; Riccardo Giubilato, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics

  17. Special Session #17: Space based gravitational measurements: from the detection of Gravitational Waves to ultra-sensitive geodesy

    Organized by: Carlo Sasso, National Institute of Metrological Research, Italy; Carlo Zanoni, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy; Edoardo Dalla Ricca, University of Trento, Italy

  18. Special Session #18: Metrology in Earth observation from aerospace

    Organized by: Claudio Parente, Andrea Vallario, Pasquale Maglione, University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy; Gino Dardanelli, University of Palermo, Italy; Francesca Guastaferro, Almaviva Digitaltec, Naples, Italy

  19. Special Session #19: Sensor Data Fusion for Aerospace Systems

    Organized by: Domenico Accardo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Claudia Conte, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Flora Amato, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

  20. Special Session #20: Innovative technologies and solutions for Advanced Air Mobility and Urban Air Mobility

    Organized by: Claudia Conte, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Domenico Accardo, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Special Session Proposal

Are you interested in organizing a special session?

Please, contact the Technical Program Chairs, using the form at this page:

